just a lil site for my Playtime with Percy OC, Candy!



about <3

Candy is a scene kid college student who doesn't become involved with the PWP story until well after the games ending. She is an eccentric, naive, but kind-hearted creature and loves to explore abandoned places and debris. I'm aware PAL was sent to a dump but I forgot that fact when expanding her character and I'm not sure how to spin it to be more canon compliant so for this story, there was a time gap before PAL was taken to the dump and Candy comes in during that time. So, she finds the remains of Percy's Playhouse and digs up PAL out of the rubble, instantly falling in love and taking him home.

Candy lives with her best friend named Duffy in some apartment complex, who happens to be Nicks S/O! The story here divides into like ... two AUs. Where Nick relunctantly lets PAL stay because he is relatively harmless in his tomogatchi form and they had already grown veeerryy attached to each other, or Nick decides to put his foot down and express to Candy that he was uncomfortable, which she understands and moves into a different floor of the same complex.

SO... at first PAL sees Candy in relatively low regard because they are just someone who gives him attention. This is until Candy starts going above and beyond because SHE sees him as more than a toy (decorating him, wearing him as a necklace or keychain in order to bring him everywhere, making conversation, etc). PAL hasn't been treated this way, and it starts to mess with his fucked up brain and he becomes possessive like a feral guard dog. Candy finds this so endearing it becomes romantic woohoo!!

Do not ask me how they made this possible but once the two put an official label that they are dating, Candy thought it'd be more convienent to give PAL a humanoid body. They came up with a blueprint and uh uhhhh yada yada one yumeship magic later HE HAS A BODY!!! adorned with stretchy limbs and a TAIL because of COURSE!!!

click on the title for the Pals World blog!

I am going to start this off without really explaining what this AU is, so I beg that you get the gist LOL (although this AU is incomplete so I may be making some shit up to make this make sense)

Duffy has always been anxious about Candy's hobby, to explore places left to rot. But, considering she hasn't been doing well with her mental stability, they let them do what made her happy. One day, Duffy came home from errands to find Candy hadn't returned from her new exploration. She waited a few hours before becoming nervous and called their mutual friends, who hadn't seen them either. Duffy was obviously going to report her as missing, but remembered Candy always told her where they were going that day, and decided to find them on her own. This unfortunately took several days because I imagine the hideout is like ... not in the Playhouse. It's frequently guarded by Nick and PAL, but not where they reside.

Candy was caught by Nick, he assumed she was an enemy or part of the APF, and took them to PAL to be dealt with. Now... Candy is a curious and naive lil guy, so they tend to ask a lot of questions. So when she was interrogated by PAL, it turned into her unintentionally feeding PALs ego by asking him to explain what his plan was, and became an indoctrination LMAO. Over these several days, Candy is infatuated with PAL and is mainly in the group because of him specifically and not the whole world domination plan. I think,, in return, PAL loves the attention and finds her endearing, so he begins to fish affection out of Candy through (horrible) flirting and asking for her affirmations. This relationship turns romantic WAY too fast, and as a result is toxic and co-dependent on mostly Candy's side but PAL does get upset if she isn't nearby.

Will edit this if Duffys creator (Vi) does a different route, but mayhaps Duffy does her own lil investigation into Percy's Playhouse and discovers Nick, who is THEIR EX!!!!! They know Nick well enough to start stalking where he goes, which is how she finds the hideout. This time, PAL is the one that catches them, so when she's taken hostage, PAL and Nick start fighting for 15 minutes over Nick letting himself get followed. Candy hears the bickering and walks in to go "STOP FIIIIIGHTIIIIIING!!!" before instantly recognizing Duffy, and is overjoyed to see her close friend. She convinces PAL and Nick to back off and has a private talk with Duffy, who is so damn confused and eager to get Candy the HELL OUTTA THERE!! But she doesn't budge, so Duffy takes a sneakier route by playing along and "joining" the group, all while trying to work with the APF and try to get Candy out of the group before PAL and Nick are caught so she is detained with them. ALSO, Nick hasn't gotten over his old breakup with Duffy and is trying to win them over in the meantime... I HATE HIM!!!

stamps <3

Pink Bobblehead Bunny